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QRL Integration Tests

Build Status MIT licensed

This project periodically runs integration tests on a 6 node testnet

How to run integration tests

Clone this repo

You will need at least python 3.5

Installing Docker CE / Docker compose

Follow the corresponding instructions:

OS Link
Windows Docker for Windows
# Install docker compose
bashpip3 install docker-compose

Start Integration Tests

INFO: Make sure you have PYTHONPATH set (e.g. export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)), otherwise you could receive ModuleNotFoundError

# Run pytest
# To run a specific scenario use -m flag
pytest -s -m "runfor10minutes"
# To avoid running a scenario
pytest -s  -m "not runfor10minutes"`

How it works (short explanation)


The qrlnet directory contains all the scripts to start a qrl network from scratch.

qrlnet/ is the main script. There are a few arguments that are particularly useful:

REPO_XXX # allow for launching this local testnet using source code from a different repo/branch
LOCAL_NET_ONLY # option indicates that nodes should be isolated and should not connect outside the integration test.
INTEGRATION_TESTINPLACE # Indicates that source code should not be retrieved. This is used to run the integration tests locally. In particular as a submodule as it is done in

When the script is executed, it will launch several docker-compose nodes/containers.

Each node will run


This scripts prepares the container to run a qrl node (user permissions, etc.)

Finally, each node will switch to testuser and start a node

This local network could be used for any purposes.


At the moment, a few example tests derive from TestLogParser. This base class starts a network and allows for monitoring the logfiles of the running nodes. A few very simple tests like checking that nodes sync or throw exceptions can be done.

However, this is not ideal and are just examples as a proof of concept.

We expect to extend test to go through the grpc API, use direct CLI, interact directly with the network configuration, etc.

Example: Use something similar to


Using the Docker SDK, it is possible to determine each node IP address based on their name and run commands or scripts directly inside the corresponding containers using


This way it would be possible to test the CLI or node.js apps (wallet/explorer) from inside the container. More complex tests could confirm transfers by running CLI on more than one node.

The Docker SDK could be also use to model network issues/errors. etc.


The integration tests have been designed to run primarily in Travis/Ubuntu. We would like to move to CircleCI in near future.

Docker for Mac has some limitations that result in problems when trying to connect from the host to the containers.

Typically in Linux, you can route traffic between your host and each of the containers without trouble using a Bridge. This is unfortunately not possible in OSX.

Still stuck? There's help over on Discord!